Monday, December 28, 2009

LinkedIn for iPhone 3.0: Let’s Get This Party Started

It may be a rainy day here in Silicon Valley, but a little sunshine has just poked through the iTunes App Store. Earlier this morning, the new LinkedIn for iPhone v3.0 app went live[...]It may be a rainy day here in Silicon Valley, but a little sunshine has just poked through the iTunes App Store. Earlier this morning, the new LinkedIn for iPhone v3.0 app went live. Download LinkedIn for iPhone v3.0 On the heels of the opening of our LinkedIn platform , this new version represents the next step in our efforts to bring LinkedIn to whereever you work. Professionals are increasingly mobile, and we believe that mobile business applications are better when they are built over a platform of your reputation & relationships. This app has been redesigned and rebuilt from scratch to help you keep your professional network in your hands, whenever and whereever you need them. New User Experience The minute you launch the new application, you’ll immediately see the difference. We’ve worked to bring the most common and important features to the top of the application, to make it easy to get what you need as quickly as possible. We wanted to make sure that even if you only have thirty seconds to spare, you can get something done. LinkedIn for iPhone v3.0 The Power of Search Never walk into a meeting unprepared. Whether it’s an interview, a client meeting, or a sales pitch, now you can go into any meeting knowing who you are going to meet with, and what you have in common. LinkedIn for iPhone v3.0 includes a completely new search interface , making it trivial to easily find people whether they are in your connections list, or one of the 55 million professionals who now belong to LinkedIn. Whether you type in a name or keyword, LinkedIn will get you the information you need whether it’s five days or five minutes before your important meeting

Read the full article on LinkedIn Blog

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