Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Best Job Application Ever: "Twitter Genius"

With its 140 character limit, Twitter is all about brevity. But if you think the same shouldn’t apply for a job application, well then, "you’re done". This Craigslist job listing has some interesting rules, to say the least[...]With its 140 character limit, Twitter is all about brevity. But if you think the same shouldn’t apply for a job application, well then, "you’re done". This Craigslist job listing has some interesting rules, to say the least.

While the eye-grabbing headline is asking for a "Twitter Genius" in Greenwich Village, the actual role is an "expert" social media marketer for some sort of e-commerce startup. "I need someone who tweets in their sleep and updates their fb status before calling their mom on Mother’s Day", the description reads. And it gets better

The full post can be found on TechCrunch

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