Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Security geeks bring down a network responsible for 12% of worldwide spam

In a case of a good-defence-is-a-good-offence, a team of nerds led by a researcher from security company FireEye has just brought down the Mega-D botnet[...]In a case of a good-defence-is-a-good-offence, a team of nerds led by a researcher from security company FireEye has just brought down the Mega-D botnet. This particular botnet accounted for some 12 percent of all spam email and was controlled by servers in Israel, Turkey, and the U.S. A botnet , if you’re not down with script-kiddie hax0r lingo, is a ‘bot network’. A bot is a robot — though 'zombie' or 'compromised machine' is more accurate

The full post can be found on Download Squad

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