Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Citibank Denies Reported Breach Linked To Russian Gang

alphadogg writes “US authorities are investigating the theft of an estimated tens of millions of dollars from Citibank by criminals using Russian software[...]alphadogg writes “US authorities are investigating the theft of an estimated tens of millions of dollars from Citibank by criminals using Russian software tailored for the attack, according to the Wall Street Journal (subscription required to access that link — CNET’s coverage here). The security breach at the major US bank was detected mid-year based on traffic from Internet addresses formerly used by the Russian Business Network gang, the WSJ reported today, citing unnamed government sources. The Russian Business Network is a well-known group linked to malicious software, hacking, child pornography, and spam. The FBI is probing the case, the report said

The full story can be found on SlashDot



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