Saturday, January 23, 2010

University of Oregon shows off engraved MacBook Pros

I’ve always been jealous of the folks who get free laptops from their work or school (back when I was in school, I used a paper notebook and a pen and liked it!), but I’m especially jealous[...]I’ve always been jealous of the folks who get free laptops from their work or school (back when I was in school, I used a paper notebook and a pen and liked it!), but I’m especially jealous of the folks from the University of Oregon’s Center for Student Athletes, who not only get some sweet MacBook Pros to use courtesy of Apple and Nike , but have each one laser engraved with the school’s symbolic O. The engraving isn’t just aesthetic; it’s useful, too. In addition to the school branding, each laptop has a specific number engraved on the bottom of it, which helps prevent theft and helps the school track down wayward laptops. Cult of Mac has a great little interview with the engraver , with some fun insider info about how this is all done (he’s even engraved fingernails, which sounds a little gross)

The full post can be found on TAUW

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