Friday, January 22, 2010

Adobe Flash Player 10.1 to cooperate with private browsing modes

There have been more than a few blog posts lately talking about how websites can use Flash cookies to keep tabs on you even if you’re visiting their site using your browser’s private browsing mode[...]There have been more than a few blog posts lately talking about how websites can use Flash cookies to keep tabs on you even if you’re visiting their site using your browser’s private browsing mode. It would appear, however, that the crew at Adobe thinks this is something which should change. According to a post on NeoWin , Adobe is working to make sure that Flash 10.1 will play nice with the private browsing offered in most current browsers. Once you close your session, Flash Player will automatically clear the pertinent locally cached files. Visited a site with a Flash-powered login system

The full post can be found on Download Squad

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