Sunday, January 3, 2010

In just 16 months Google Chrome overtakes Safari

It’s the second of January 2010 and the figures are in from December. In just 16 months, Chrome has caught up and passed Apple’s Safari browser[...]It’s the second of January 2010 and the figures are in from December. In just 16 months, Chrome has caught up and passed Apple’s Safari browser. Google Chrome now has 4.63% of the global market share , while Safari has only 4.46%! It doesn’t look like a lot when you’re talking about a fraction of a percent, but when you consider that last month Chrome only had 3.93% you can see just how quickly it’s being adopted. Last month was actually Chrome ’s biggest leap since its launch, which probably has something to do with Google ’s current large-scale advertising campaign. PC World speculates that the large surge could also be due to the Mac and Linux Chrome Beta releases last month

The full post can be found on Download Squad

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