Saturday, January 9, 2010

DropBox, Foursquare, Facebook Winners at The Crunchies

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Connect Vitamin Water Bottle Facebook and Zynga were among the winners at the Crunchies 2009 awards, held last evening in San Francisco’s Herbst Theater[...]Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Connect Vitamin Water Bottle Facebook and Zynga were among the winners at the Crunchies 2009 awards, held last evening in San Francisco’s Herbst Theater. The third annual award ceremony that is co-hosted by TechCrunch, VentureBeat & GigaOM, saw a mix of new and old technology companies share limelight in front of a sold out audience. Faisal Galaria of Spotify Dropbox and Foursquare , two of my favorite applications won the Best Internet Application and Best Mobile Application awards respectively. Spotify was named the best International start-up

The full post can be found on GigaOm

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