Thursday, January 7, 2010

DeLorme PN-60w with Spot connectivity gets official, can track your friends, too

As it turns out yesterday’s news from Delorme about the PN-60w wasn’t exactly from DeLorme. Now the official news from the source has dropped[...]As it turns out yesterday’s news from Delorme about the PN-60w wasn’t exactly from DeLorme. Now the official news from the source has dropped, and it includes a few tidbits not revealed yesterday. We’ll start with the bad news first: the social networking functionality here is outgoing only, meaning you can brag to your friends about making it to the top of Half Dome without plummeting to your death, but you won’t be able to receive their jealous responses. For the good news, you will not only be able to send tweets and the like but can also log geocache locations directly from wherever you find them, and interestingly the device can create a sort of local area network, able to display the location of everyone within range and even easily exchange waypoints.

The full post can be found on Engadget

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