Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nokia Story Play concept lets you read to your child without risk of human contact

We doubt that Nokia and Sesame Street were actually going for that cold, emotionless, post-apocalyptic feeling of sterility portrayed so dramatically[...]We doubt that Nokia and Sesame Street were actually going for that cold, emotionless, post-apocalyptic feeling of sterility portrayed so dramatically in Demolition Man when they teamed up to create the Story Play device concept but if you do happen to be in the market for a product that helps you physically distance yourself from your toddler, watch this space. Nokia’s Palo Alto-based research center is responsible for Story Play’s development, consisting of a wooden frame with a book and two handheld devices (N810s, we think) one that displays a character from the book synchronized to act based on the page you’re reading, and another with a live video call. The idea is that you could remotely read along with another Story Play-equipped family member a child, grandchild, niece, nephew, what have you and alerts signal the other reader when it’s time to turn the page. We can see how it’d be great for relatives living far away who want to keep tabs on their loved ones but seriously, don’t forget to hop on a plane from time to time, alright

The full post can be found on Engadget

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