Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Google v. Baidu: It’s Not Just about China

Most publications, including us, noted yesterday that if Google has to lose its $600 million in revenues from China by pulling out of the country[...]Most publications, including us, noted yesterday that if Google has to lose its $600 million in revenues from China by pulling out of the country, then at the very least it’s won a lot in brand and integrity points by the public, English-language and scorched-earth way they did it. Google’s halo is so bright that even now Valley thought leaders are aghast at the idea that a publicly-traded, for-profit company could have had more than just an ethical motive at play. Today, as the story has unfolded, Chinese residents have openly "mourned" the loss of Google by putting flowers and candles out at the company’s Beijing headquarters. (Picture above was taken by Junyu Wang .) That’s striking for two reasons. First, it shows the Chinese government’s grasp on censorship has already measurably slipped

The full post can be found on TechCrunch

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